Grumpy Website


How to add a picture to the pinterest:

- Go to

- See random images, not my pins

- Click to my profile

- My profile contains my boards

- Go to the desired board

- (not in the video, but I actually tried drag and drop to the board, no result)

- See three identical plus icons

- Choose one. It has a dropdown

- Select section: Create, element: Pin

- Navigate to the add page

- Finally, a place that will accept my image. Drop it there

- Don’t worry, we’re far from done

- Click Save

- Wait significant amount of time

- See a popup over my uploaded image, that contains the same image

- Click “See it now”, only viable option. I just uploaded the image, why would I want to see it once more?

- Navigate to the pin page, a thrid page that looks almost identical to both the upload page and a popup about Save being successful.

- Wanting to make sure the upload was successful, navigate to the Profile, then to the board (stupid, but what can I do instead?)

- The image is not there

- Upload it again, still to no success

- Upload it third time, only to discover all three images are now displayed

- Die from too many facepalms

What I expected the experience would be?

- Open, see MY boards immediately

- Drop an image to the one of them, without opening

- See some sort of a message indicating the upload was successful

Seriously, how are they still in business with the core experience being like that? I guess UX is not everything.