Grumpy Website


Come on bro. You have all this bullshit anyway. 7 buttons. Two privacy policies. reCAPTCHA ad.

What’s one more field? Please? Pretty please?

#Login #SignIn #Password #Jira

Ah, notification about less notifications. Classic. Also, Google Drive can chat now?

#GoogleDrive #Notification

Apparently, you can have two hamburger menus

Thanks grishka for reporting


POV: Clicking on Google Maps link

Thanks @ovf for the video

#GoogleMaps #Redirects

Information is invalid ✅ ✅ ✅

Thanks @FaviFake for the picture

We read left to right, top to bottom. Don’t put action buttons _before_ the form

#Mastodon #Form #Popup

Why do you highlight on hover if it’s not clickable???

Thanks Jay Gillibrand for the video

UPD: I’m also getting reports that it’s a bug and clicking does open Weather app. I still have questions why there are 4 separate zones but at least it does _something_

#macOS #Weather #Hover

So I tried Skype. Part of the UI is this React button that is permanently animated. It doesn’t stop. It jump the whole time during the call. You can’t remove it or hide it. You can change the image but they are all freaking animated.

Who thought this is a good idea???

#Skype #Animation #Reaction #Emoji

Yes Google. Very professional. !!1

#Google #Signin #404


Thanks vlaaad for the picture

#Android #Firefox #Bluesky

How about a popup for a popup for a popup?

#JetBrains #Idea #Popup #Autocomplete

Multi-line text selection. Please. No holes. Thank you

#Github #Selection

Most app names are longer than 8 characters. So, maybe, instead of ignoring the problem, come up with a solution?

Thanks @delaguardo for the picture

