Dribbble's sign up process, undoubtedly, was designed by someone who showcases their work on the site: superficially pretty, impossible to navigate and riddled with UX errors:
- The cursor doesn't change to pointer on tiny Sign In link (someone literally had to make sure it doesn't by overriding default behaviour)
- When you click the *Sign In* link, you're presented with a *Sign Up* form. You have to click the Sign In link again (and now it is a link with a proper cursor, go figure)
- If you click one of the social login buttons like "Sign in with Google", realise you made a mistake and want to go back, you're not taken back to the same page. You have to click the Back button three times to get back.
It still amazes me how many ways there are to screw up a simple sign in/sign up form. A functionality we've had in computers for more than half a century.