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So I tried Skype. Part of the UI is this React button that is permanently animated. It doesn’t stop. It jump the whole time during the call. You can’t remove it or hide it. You can change the image but they are all freaking animated.

Who thought this is a good idea???

#Skype #Animation #Reaction #Emoji

Second bad feature of new GMail redesign: hover states.

First, they are animated which makes you nauseated pretty fast.

If you can sustain that, second problem kicks in: the reaction is not instanteneous. Instead of immediately filling background they start an animation that will fill it in 100ms. As the result, the whole UI feels slow and unresponsive even though there’s more than enough resources for it to operate.

I bet it looks cool in animation editor where you don’t get to actually use it. After the 100th time you’ve seen it, though, it doesn’t feel like a great idea anymore
