Grumpy Website


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#GoogleMaps #Dialog #InvisibleControls

Redesign rule #1: if you have no good ideas, you can always make round buttons square and square buttons round

Picture from

#Google #Calendar

“Hamburger/three dots/more options” button must be positioned at the far-right end. That’s the law


Sort sizes by the amount of items with that size. After all, why not?

Thanks @iwannafly for the picture


This is not a video player. This is starship control panel

Thanks for the picture

#VKVideo #VideoPlayer #Controls

So... White means on, right?

Thanks @Strannii for reporting this

#Apple #ControlCenter #iOS

Random sort is the worst sort for any list of options presented in the UI.

Here you can see it in Google Home when adding a new device. The list is randomly shuffled every time it's shown.

When you have so many settings you need two menus for them instead of one

Thanks Zev Eisenberg for the picture

#UPS #Settings #Icon

Google, please, make up your mind. Does Save button live in the menu or not? I prefer that it doesn’t, but if it does, make it always the case, otherwise I can’t form a habit

#YouTube #Dropdown #WatchLater

The only thing that’s not letting me view the conversation is the popup about how to view a conversation

#Reddit #Popup #Login
