Most app names are longer than 8 characters. So, maybe, instead of ignoring the problem, come up with a solution?
Thanks @delaguardo for the picture
Most app names are longer than 8 characters. So, maybe, instead of ignoring the problem, come up with a solution?
Thanks @delaguardo for the picture
Apps should not sign you out. Websites shouldn’t, too.
Once I’m logged in, I’m logged in. Indefinitely. Until my laptop dies. Even then, I’ll probably migrate all my browser sessions to a new machine, and I expect services to continue to recognizing me.
We have the technology (notice how services can reliably remember your account’s name but somehow “forget” you authentication).
There’s no good reason to sign people out periodically. It doesn't increase security. If it does anything, it forces people to choose simpler passwords. It also makes our lives miserable.
Please. Stop the madness. I don’t want to log into things for the rest of my life.
Pro tip: one popup is usually enough
Why do I need Table of Contents if I can see all content in the first 200 px?
Start what? 3 steps to what? At least give me context what this is about
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What’s the opposite of “thank you for implementing this feature”?
Thanks Fuchen for the video
4x smaller buttons (96px vs 44px). How is this progress?