Grumpy Website


One does not simply open a link to [content unavailable]

Thanks @avrong for the video

#YouTube #iOS #GoogleLogin

Did websites forget what a navigation menu is?

#Lego #Popup #Menu

Content: fits on one screen

Twitter: let’s make you click 10 times to see it and after each click you wait three seconds

Modern engagement-driven services are crazy


To make things interesting, put Close buttons in different designs at different corners of the screen

Thanks @mikeozornin for the picture


How many sheets down are you?

Thansk @relishux for the video

#Sonos #iOS #Sheets

If you ever forget which months are there, Google won’t help you

Thanks @FaviFake for the picture

#Google #GoogleSearch

If your button doesn’t fit, just rotate it 90 degrees (194°F)

Thanks @obrizan for the picture

Yes, that’s exactly my phone number! Dial it: ten stars, three, five.


Using modern computers is just guessing what is a button and what is not

#Apple #AppleMusic #Button

Unread mentions everywhere!

Thanks @obrizan for the picture

#Slack #Scroll #Notifications
