False correlation: it was supposed to be two buttons, but together they look like a search box.
Also, button text should be center-aligned grumpy.website/1453
False correlation: it was supposed to be two buttons, but together they look like a search box.
Also, button text should be center-aligned grumpy.website/1453
I don’t know about you, but for me it feels weird putting so much information inside a button. I don’t want to click information! I also want to see pause button instead of waveform for pause.
Thanks migvidal for the video
Jeez Google, just use page title as everybody else does. It’s right there to be shown in search results
Thanks @maxim_krikun for pointing this out
If you want crazy-fast loading times, do not show 5-seconds-long welcome animation
What a useless little dialogue. It usually happens when you are trying to connect to a public Wifi but fail. iOS gives you three options:
- Use Without Internet. Why would I want to do that? “I cannot send email. Mark it as Sent anyways?”
- Use Other Network. Sounds okay, but useless most of the time. People don’t usually have a list of networks they want to try. I tried one network, it didn’t work, let’s just forget about it.
- Cancel. Cancel what? This dialog appears out of nowhere, waaay after you first tried to connect to Wifi. Basically it’s a result of some internal check iOS does, not a user’s action.
Jira’s constant struggle to fit less and less fields in a form.
From left to right:
- Jira 8: 11 fields
- Jira 9: 8.5 fields
- Jira Cloud: 6 fields
Thanks Gamlor for the pictures