Grumpy Website


Congrats Twitter, you invented unclickable checkboxes!

The tweet above reads: "A still from 'Your name' by Makoto Shinkai, 2010. And its real-life counterpart."

You might be excused if you are like me: but... but there's just one picture in the preview. And it's from real life. Where's the anime still?

Well, Twitter uses a rigid size for pictures in the feed that has a ratio that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike 16:9 ratio. Your picture doesn't fit that ratio? Too bad. Twitter will employ state of the art ML algorithms (aka the simplest and cheapest set of if statements and monkey labor available to man) and will only show whatever it thinks is relevant in the preview.

You want to see the full picture? Click the preview, and enjoy the fullsize picture... In a rigid frame that's set to an almost, but not quite, entirely unlike 16:9 ratio.

I can only imagine how livid are the artists who regularly promote their works through social media including Twitter.

Not sure how is it supposed to work? I’ve got 16 apps waiting for update for as long as 3 days now, phone charged and connected to home Wi-Fi every night. Also what’s that about notifications about updates? Never received one

But... why?!

Normally what you see in View is what you see in Edit, just without edit controls. It’s the standard. Not here. Here you have no idea you can change some values because you never see them! You have to switch to Edit mode first to suddenly being able to see list of admins, permissions, group type.

The “Close and comment” button should be “Comment and close”. Because Close==I’m done with it, it feels strange to be done and then saying something after that.

UPD: Practice is, as always, more surprising. It has been tried, but people seem to understand it worse

Some modern cars come with their own "app stores". I've been avoiding them, but recently decided to try one app that's heavily pushed: Aha.

So, they say "your car comes with free Aha service. No explanation as to what it is, but hey, it's free.

Googling leads to a "What is Aha?" page. Great, they actually thought about people who just want to understand what the product is. Let's see →

It's amazing how much non-information this page contains. Several paragraphs of text and I still have no idea what Aha is.

"No matter where you go, you’ll never miss a beat.".

Well, okay, that doesn't mean anything.

"Everything you love on the web. In your car. On your phone. Synchronized, seamless and oh-so-very easy to use."

Everything I love on the web is already on my phone. It's called "the web". Is it a web browser?

"Aha on your phone."

Alright, so...

"The Aha experience starts on your phone with the app. Easily access and organize your favorite content from the web into personalized, live, on-demand stations. Then take them with you wherever you go."

Hmm... so, it's radio stations? Like, music and stuff? I have that already.

"Aha in your car."

Alright, so...

"Once you get the app and organize your stations, Aha syncs the experience to your car. The in-dash, easy-to use interface makes finding everything you love as safe and easy as the turn of a radio dial."

WHAT? What are you trying to say?! What experience? What's "everything I love"?


Please, please, can a human being explain this shit to other humans beings? This page was written by a primitive neural network trying to pass the Turing test with a 5 year old judge damn it.

"Be inspired."

You're not helping.

"Listen to groundbreaking TED Talks from the world's leading thinkers and doers."

I can already do that with the TED app.

This “Py” icon is far from anything Russian or even Cyrillic as anything can ever be.

Rest of the menu makes littles sense too. It says: Russian, Russian keyboard, Russian Keyboard (phonetic), russian (lowercase). I have no idea what it refers to or what it does. Will it translate? Transcribe? What exactly? Magically turn my keyboard into a Russian one? How first Russian is different from the last one? If second and third are on-screen keyboards, why have two, phonetic and non-phonetic variant? Why are they all in the same dropdown? No answers

Template testing should be a separate discipline in software engineering.

Here a large postal and logistics company tells me that the pickup point for my parcel had been changed due to ${CHANGE_REASON}.

I find it mildly frustrating when google decides to ignore a word or two from my query and show me the results for what's essentially a different query.

But this is too much. Out of 6 words, 4 are ignored. And it's hard to notice this light gray line below the first result.
