Grumpy Website


False correlation. It looks like Email is related to Sign up and Password to Log in.

Thanks @sobersolar for the picture.

How many header panels is enough?

Thanks @toby3d for the picture

Search among local stuff first!

Search among local stuff first!

Search among local stuff first!

Search among local stuff first!

Search among local stuff first!

Search among local stuff first!

Search among local stuff first!

Excuse me, is 16.7.2 available?

Thanks Kevin Lynagh for the picture

Is this still a text editor?

Thanks @sobersolar for the video

Everything is a Video Call if you are brave enough

Once you have a good thing, stop.

AirPods Pro used to be simple: three modes (arguably, should be two, but three isn’t that bad).

Now look at them: three different groups of settings, 24 combinations, and names that give you zero idea of what these things do.

I try to follow Apple announcements, but even I am confused. Using headphones should be simple!

It became the norm to show irrelevant search results when you run out of relevant ones. I guess the thinking goes “better show something than nothing”.

This has to stop. It’s not helpful. If you don’t have something, I want to know it. You are just wasting my time. I don’t need “more other apps”. I want to know answer to _MY_ question, thank you.

Thanks Grishka for the picture

You can’t make negative checkboxes. You just can’t

Pro tip: do not spell check your placeholder text

Thanks Fuchen for the picture
